This amused me that within days two people called press conferences to announce that they wouldn’t be doing something. How bizarre is that? That’s politics, and honestly is probably a bad sign when the populace is begging people to enter the race and they will not.
↓ Transcript
CZAR: I'd like to take a few moments before today's meeting to announce that like Chris Christie and Sarah Palin, I will also not be seeking the Republican nomination for President.
HOBO: I feel like I should announce that neither am I.
BEARD: I'm out too.
KLOWNUS: Not it!
HOBO: It's probably a bad sign that in this economy everyone needs a job, but nobody wants to be President.
HOBO: I feel like I should announce that neither am I.
BEARD: I'm out too.
KLOWNUS: Not it!
HOBO: It's probably a bad sign that in this economy everyone needs a job, but nobody wants to be President.