Browsing: Professor Hobo

The Reese’s peanut butter cup eggs really are the best. I’m not entirely sure why,…

It’s always surprising how willing people are to share their dirty laundry on Facebook. And…

This strip stems from a real incident. I had a female student panic one day…

Aversion therapy seems like a good way to get yourself into an endless loop. If…

This is my general interpretation of a good 90% of meetings. Sure, there are useful…

My cat does this all the time. Not call me. If it did that it…

I’m always amused when I ask a class for an example of a movie or…

If you’re desperate enough in academia, there’s always a way to get something published. Sure,…

This strip utilizes two adolescent favorites–Alka-Seltzer to make people look crazy, and words that sound…